Perfect Work Life balance

Retired Part Time

When you are too young to feel this old – and too old to live like this!

Do you think you are too young to start thinking about retiring? Do you feel like you will never be able to save enough money and it feels like a far off dream? I felt that way too but I learned how to enjoy more of what life has to offer while still making an income. Let me show you how to start transitioning  early into retirement by making changes that give you more freedom. Live your best life now. 

Step 1

Learn how you can have a better work life balance by choosing jobs that will allow you to set your own schedule and work from anywhere. Wouldn't you rather earn an income while enjoying your life more instead of just wishing for it?

Step 2

As with any major change in life, full-time retirement can be both overwhelming and exciting for you and your loved ones. Learn how to maintain good relationships with those closest to you by being proactive and making incremental changes that create a smooth transition.

Step 3

Learn how to incorporate travel into your life and combine work with leisure. There are no guarantees in life so let me show you how to live everyday to its fullest. Wouldn't you rather travel while you are young enough to enjoy it instead of waiting until you are 65?

Retirement is a Journey
not a Destination

As a little girl I watched my Grandpa work hard, postpone vacations and save his money for retirement. My Grandma was counting down the days when they could spend more time together. She purchased a small camper anticipating they would travel. They were excited and filled with the hope of what the future would bring. But all those years of hard work took a toll on my Grandpa and he became sick. I watched as the camper just sat in the driveway. My Grandpa passed away a couple of years later and my Grandma soon followed. My Grandparents were never able to travel or obtain the leisure and freedom they worked so hard for. As a young girl, I could see the irony in working so hard and living frugally to save for a retirement they never got to enjoy. 

One day while working a terribly boring and demeaning job, I found myself staring out the office window watching some kids play outside. My thoughts reflected back to my grandparents. I realized my life could take the same path if I didn’t start making changes. I researched and discovered there are careers where I could set my own schedule, work from anywhere and make a good living. Do you want more pleasure from your life? Let me show you how.

Retired Part Time

I discovered this approach through my own career. You see, I started contract work instead of full-time employment. I found that this worked out better for me. I was able to work for a while then take a break. I became my own boss. I started researching other jobs I could do that would allow me to create my own schedule, travel, spend time with family all while making enough money for myself and my family.

Online resources

I offer online resources to help you create your own work life balance. I also have an exclusive blog and YouTube channel with free content for you to enjoy! There, you’ll learn how to structure your life so that you can live the retired part time lifestyle!
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