
Established in 2021

Welcome to Retired Part Time, your number one source for teaching you how to live your best life now. Unlike other retirement services, I have a unique philosophy on life. I believe retirement is a journey not a destination.

To me, there are more important things than working yourself to death. I never liked being stuck at a desk in an office from 9 to 5 looking at white walls while breathing recycled refrigerated air. Often I would find myself staring out the nearest window, wishing I was outside doing something more enjoyable like spending time with my daughters. I’m a single parent who raised two intelligent, beautiful daughters. But as a single parent I had to provide for my family so I didn’t complain about my job.

One day while staring out the window, I could no longer shake the feeling there had to be something more to life. I decided I couldn’t bear wasting one more year working a 9 to 5 that was monotonous and unsatisfying. I felt like I was missing out on life and I knew there had to be a better way to make a living. As the oldest daughter of an entrepreneurial mother I was taught I could accomplish anything if I set my mind to it. So I set out to find a job that allowed me to work from anywhere while still making a good income. I started trying out non-traditional jobs that allowed me the time and freedom to travel, enjoy time with my daughters and set my own schedule. I had done it! I was successful in finding a way to make a living that allowed me to set my own schedule and to work where and when I wanted. My family and friends started telling me they wanted this way of life too, but they didn’t know how to achieve it.


This is why I created Retired Part Time. I want my family and friends to have the same freedom I enjoy while still making a good income. I have two main goals; to teach you how to structure your career decisions to create a better work life balance before you retire, and to teach you how to prepare yourself and your family so you will have a smooth transition from working to full-time retirement. With more flexibility and freedom from a job that can be done anywhere, you can learn a new skill, travel the world, spend time with family and friends, work on your hobbies or whatever else you enjoy. There is no limit to what you can do! And having a perfect work life balance helps relieve stress that causes aging. It lets you enjoy your life to its fullest. Could you benefit from less stress and perfect work life balance? Take a peek through my website, open new doors, and discover how much more you can get out of your everyday life!

We look forward to your stay.

Melanie Wilkinson


Help people create a better work life balance and enjoy more of their life every day.



The mission is twofold
  1. Teach you how to structure your career before you retire so you can take advantage of more time away from work
  2. Help soon to be retirees and their families make a smooth transition into full-time retirement by preparing in advance and gaining a better understanding of what to expect.
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